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Northeast News
November 6, 2013

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the Kansas City Fire Department was not only the talk of the town, it was the talk of the free world.

Having competed in the International Fire Congress competition in England in 1893, they won the Gold Medal for their innovative firefighting abilities under the command of long-time Fire Chief George Hale. The team, along with fire horses “Dan” and “Joe,” also won first place awards in the hitching competition – reaching the scene and throwing water all in an elapsed time of 8.5 seconds.

Earlier, the Kansas City fire team traveled to Paris, France, with horses “Buck” and “Mack” to compete in the 1900 National Fire Congress competition. A London, England, newspaper offered a $1,000 reward to any team that could beat Kansas City’s. None came close, despite the number of local teams that mounted the task.

Elected fire chief in 1882, Hale was a dedicated and inventive firefighter. Among his inventions were the Hale water tower, Hale swinging harness, the sliding pole, and the Hale tin roof cutter.

“Dan” and “Joe” were snow-white Arabians, known throughout the city as top-notch fire horses. “Joe” was killed in the line of duty in 1894 in a horrible fire engine-cable car collision. His partner “Dan,” however, made it to retirement in Swope Park in 1907 and died of old age in 1913.

This week’s postcard, published by Paul Eskenasy, 107 W. Ninth, Kansas, City, Mo., shows a three-horse hitch and fire wagon along the streets of downtown Kansas City. It is postmarked July 30, 1911, and was sent to Mrs. V. A. Wilkins of 229 Mansion St. in Pittsburgh, Pa. The message reads: “Dear Eva, We are on our way home. Arrived in K.C. this evening + expect to leave here about 9-30 p.m. Van.”