March 9, 2011

To the Editor:


I am disappointed tonight to open my NE News and see yet one more crass and tasteless attack on Mayor Funkhouser. I am referring to the cartoon at the start of page 2 of the March 2, 2011 edition. The play on his name is cute and clever and yes, witty. But I sure would resent being caricatured alongside an alcoholic as though there were some connection. Would the cow “conceding” that “I am a vegetarian” be any less funny and certainly milder in tone? It would come across without any stigma attached, it would seem to me.

Please do not stoop to the level of the KC Star in slinging mud. As we learned today, even Fred Phelps is protected to say anything, but just because he can does not mean he should.

We decry violence, on one hand, and yet teach our children that it’s OK, cute, to viciously attack with words those with whom we disagree. To do so is to stand alongside Fred Phelps and justify it as “our constitutional right.” Let’s talk issues with reason. And leave it to Rev. Phelps to smear his targets, all the while unaware of the egg all over his face.

Again, please hold the liberties of NE News to a higher standard than his.


Mr. Jesse Miller
Kansas City, Mo.