September 18, 2013
Well the mighty Kansas City Star has come out in an editorial piece published last Saturday informing neighbors around the old Saint Paul School of Theology campus they needed to get right with the proposed new plan for the 160,000 square foot campus advanced by KC CASE. Really? This newshound isn’t buying it and thinks the whole KC CASE “plan” is nothing more than a house of cards advanced by another ex-federal bureaucrat with eyes on some kind of mystery money from the federal government to make it all go. This li’l doggie will stand by the Buzz put forward a few weeks back in regard to our area already being a “hub” for social service agencies, and we don’t need any more. We’re impacted. Take it down the road, say for example to 135th & Roe next door to Church of the Resurrection. If this is such a fantastic plan, like The Star says it is, maybe they’d embrace it in their neighborhood. KC CASE Director Steven Wagner is long on pipe dreams but doggone short on details as well as funds for this proposal to succeed. Note to neighbors around the Saint Paul campus, get vocal and let city hall know how you feel. Wagner’s plan is a hot mess that absolutely doesn’t need to be on Truman Road. We said it before, we’ll say it again, take it to Leawood, Mr. Wagner. We’re full up here.