APRIL 8: EXTRA !!! EXTRA!!! READ ALL ABOUT IT!!! FREE COFFEE & PASTRIES AT THE NORTHEAST NEWS OFFICES NEXT WEEK!!! Eleos Coffee at Northeast News Office on Thursday, April 8 from 10 to 11 a.m. for Coffee, Culture & Conversations.
Visit with the award winning staff at The House of News, have a cup o’ joe courtesy of the Eleos Coffee team and enjoy some locally sourced sweet treats. The Newsroom will be open so you can get a sneak peak at some of the stories and features currently in progress and get a glimpse of the now FAMOUS “Blank Front Page” issue that’s been picked up by news organizations all over the country. Enter your business card in a drawing to have a painting done of you or your business by a local artist from the Pendleton Arts Block!
Sponsored by: Northeast Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, Independence Avenue CID, Northeast News & Eleos Coffee. Join us in-person or via Zoom: Meeting ID: 843 1355 7968 Passcode: 108215.
***POSTPONED TO 4 PM APRIL 10****: The Kansas City Symphony Mobile Music Box will be playing at Indian Mound Park. The concert is free and open to everyone. People are encouraged to bring blankets and food and drink, and to space appropriately.
APRIL 9, 10, 11: GARAGE SALE!!! Friday, Saturday & Sunday at Sons of Columbus Hall, 2415 Independence Blvd. A portion of the proceeds go to help Boy Scout Troop 80 go to camp this summer.
APRIL 10: Artists and researchers will unveil a mural intended to raise awareness about Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) on Sat., April 10 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the east corner of Prospect and Independence Avenue. At the unveiling, food trucks, music, art making and information will be available for the community to enjoy. More info on page -.
APRIL 10: The Parks and Recreation Department will host a KC COVID-19 Memorial Tribute at the National WWI Museum and Memorial on April 10 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. In recognition of Public Health Week, candles will be placed along the Museum and Memorial’s Mall, representing each person lost to COVID-19 in Kansas City, Mo. Tune in to FM 100.5 for words of encouragement from Mayor Quinton Lucas, U.S. Representative Emmanuel Cleaver II, and Bert Malone, with the Missouri Public Health Association and songs by the Kansas City Women’s Chorus while driving through the Mall. There have been 540 lives lost in Kansas City, Mo. due to COVID-19.
APRIL 10: Northeast Neighborhood cleanup from 8 a.m. to noon. Bulky trash will be collected at Lykins Square Park, Budd Park, The Concourse, Sheffield Park and North Blue Ridge (7806 E. 24 HWY). Tire drop off at The Concourse, and electronics at the 9th and Van Brunt Athletic Fields (for a cost). Sponsored by NEAT and Kansas City’s 3rd and 4th District councilmembers. More details on page -.
TUESDAYS IN APRIL: KC CARE is hosting a free COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Tuesdays in April at the Don Bosco Community Center (526 Campbell Street in Columbus Park). Northeast and Columbus Park residents are eligible. Sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040d4aa4ad29a5f58-3312021.