Thursday, June 9th – Meet your elected representatives! 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the NEKC Chamber, 2657 Independence Ave. You are cordially invited to meet your local elected representatives from the city, county and federal levels of government, as well as the school district. This will be a great opportunity to get to know who represents you! https://fb.me/e/7zvQI74FY
Thursday, June 9th – Art lab- Open Studio at North-East Branch Library, 6-7 p.m. Come and craft during this free family event. 6000 Wilson Rd.

Thursday, June 9th – Coffee, Culture, and Conversation at the Somali Mall. 10 a.m.
Friday, June 10th – All Sorts Open Mic Nights at PH Coffee, Every 2nd Friday of the month. Sign up at 6:30pm. Open Mic from 7-9pm. Music, comedy, spoken word. No cover. https://fb.me/e/1Gx9spv90
Saturday, June 11 – Shred your documents from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 2657 Independence Avenue (NEKC Chamber parking lot). A drive-through-drop-off event, bring your outdated tax forms and documents. Follow the signs and enter the back at 6th street for easy drive-through and exit to Independence Ave. Sponsored by Central Bank of Kansas City.
Tuesday, June 14 – Please join Northeast Kansas City Historical Society at St. John’s Anglican Church at 517 Kensington Avenue. From 6:30-7:30 that evening, NEKCHS past board member and long-standing member of St. John’s, Dorri Partain will present and discuss the history of the historic church as well as its beautiful stained glass windows. RSVP to chairman@nekchs.com.
Friday, June 17th – Don Bosco Dance Party at Knuckleheads
Kick off the summer at Knuckleheads and support Don Bosco’s clients – join us for a Mexican dinner and dancing to the amazing Atlantic Express!
7pm until midnight!
Sponsorship packages from $500 – $1,500 are available at https://donbosco.app.neoncrm.com/…/donbosco/event.jsp…
If you have questions about your sponsorship please contact Jane Tocco at (913) 944-1548 or email jtocco@donbosco.org
General Admission Tickets can be purchased at https://tickets.knuckleheadskc.com/orderticketsarea.asp… or by calling (816) 483-1456, or you may purchase tickets at the door.
Ticket Options Include:$30 = Mexican Dinner & Show (7pm)$15 = Show Only (8pm)
June 17th, 18th and 19th – Pride After Pride Festival at PH Coffee and Art Garden KC. LGBTQ vendors, performances, skate party, speed dating, trivia and more! Follow @Art Garden KC for more details.

EVERY FRIDAY – 3 – 6 p.m. The Kansas City Library is popping up in local neighborhoods to provide summer learning resources to families, connect people with services, offer fun kids’ activities, and more at The Concourse Park, Benton Boulevard and St. John Ave. Readers of all ages can sign up for this year’s Summer Reading Program. Free Harvesters Kids Café meals will be available for children ages 1-18 from 4-6 p.m. during each pop-up session. Kids can enjoy entertaining and educational hands-on activities. Other Library programs and services will also join in! kclibrary.org/pop-park-2022/events

FIRST SATURDAYS – There will be a trash dumpster at 5715 St. John (old Northeast News) on July 2, August 6, September 3 & October 11 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. If it is filled earlier, it will be removed before noon.
EVERY SUNDAY – Indian Mound Overlook/Kessler Park Weekly Cleanup at 9:30 a.m. at Gladstone Boulevard and Belmont Avenue.
EVERY SUNDAY – Art Garden KC, an outdoor art festival featuring local handmade arts/crafts, food trucks, live music, open mic, family activities and more! Free to attend. Located at 2233 Lexington Ave from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (weather permitting)
Follow @ArtGardenKC on Facebook or Instagram for updates.