Capítulo 4: Maneras seguras de observar eclipses solares
Autora Helen Headrick | Ilustrador Philip GoudeauTraducido por Daisy Garcia Montoya Nunca mire el sol directamente sin lentes de eclipse La única vez que uno puede ver seguramente el sol,…
Autora Helen Headrick | Ilustrador Philip GoudeauTraducido por Daisy Garcia Montoya Nunca mire el sol directamente sin lentes de eclipse La única vez que uno puede ver seguramente el sol,…
Author Helen Headrick | Illustrator Philip Goudeau NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN WITHOUT ECLIPSE GLASSES! The only time that one can safely look at the Sun, without eye protection,…
Michael BushnellPublisher A recent package liquor permit application to the city’s Regulated Industries Department by Aldi at 721 The Paseo has some Northeast neighborhood leaders more than a little concerned…
EllieAna HaleCommunity Engagement Intern & Reporter The Jerusalem Farm Community Land Trust project has embarked on a mission to acquire, rehabilitate, and sell abandoned homes and vacant lots, with a…
Autora Linda Godwin | Ilustrador Philip Goudeau NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN WITHOUT ECLIPSE GLASSES! Why do we have eclipses, and why do we rarely get to see a…
Dorri Partain Assistant Editor Northeast property owner Joseph Quinn has been keeping an eye on a bulging building wall for more than six months. Quinn owns a rental property next to…
Nunca mire el sol directamente sin lentes de eclipse Autora Linda Godwin | Ilustrador Philip Goudeautraducido por Daisy Garcia Montoya ¿Por qué ocurren los eclipses y porque es que rara…
Some of you may know that, for the past several years, I have led a weekly trash clean up near Indian Mound Park. This past Sunday, we found an abandoned…
If you’ve driven down 9th street east of Hardesty where it meets Winner Road, you’ve no doubt seen this tribute to the Chiefs kingdom put out by lifetime Sheffield residents…
EllieAna HaleReporter With the upcoming Superbowl with the Kansas City Chiefs playing against the San Francisco 49ers in Paradise, Nevada, an air of anticipation fills a portable classroom at Faith…