Solar eclipse to darken KC on April 8
Dorri Partain Assistant Editor While southeastern Missouri will experience a total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, residents in the Kansas City area will not ‘totally’ miss out. According to the…
Dorri Partain Assistant Editor While southeastern Missouri will experience a total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, residents in the Kansas City area will not ‘totally’ miss out. According to the…
A sure sign of spring is volunteers working in the PH Orchard at the intersection of Lexington and Montgall Avenues. On March 13, volunteers from the Pendleton Heights neighborhood were…
Michael BushnellPublisher Jackson County voters on Tuesday, by a 58-42% margin, soundly defeated a new tax proposal that would have financed the construction of a new baseball stadium in the…
Autora Helen Headrick| Ilustrador Philip GoudeauTraducido por Daisy Garcia Montoya Nunca mire el sol directamente sin lentes de eclipse Dos eclipses nunca serán vistos exactamente iguales desde la Tierra. Porque…
Author Linda Godwin | Illustrator Philip Goudeau NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN WITHOUT ECLIPSE GLASSES! No two eclipses are exactly the same as viewed from here on Earth. Why…
The NEKC Chamber is partnering with a local artist to bring communities together Ellen BeshukFreelance Reporter A group of seven neighborhoods in Historic Northeast can submit their selection for…
Rudi Keller, ReporterMissouri Independent Anyone who procrastinated on filing for political office will get another chance to enter the Aug. 6 primary in a handful of contests. Late withdrawals from four…
Dorri Partain Assistant Editor Parked in a Northeast-area storage lot, a large, tarp-covered item has drawn some questions to staff here at The Northeast News. Quite noticeable is that the item…
EllieAna HaleCommunity Engagement Intern & Reporter The Week of the Young Child, running from April 8th to 12th, is not just a date marked on the calendar for Della Lamb…
Earlier this week on March 26 and 27, KC Tenants held two Community Forum events designed to allow the community to share concerns about the upcoming Downtown Royals Stadium sales…