LTE: Reader enjoys Northeast News content
Born and raised in Northeast, I love and support the Northeast News. This weeks September 19th edition highlighted Mr. Publisher Michael Bushnell and the award he received for a editorial…
Born and raised in Northeast, I love and support the Northeast News. This weeks September 19th edition highlighted Mr. Publisher Michael Bushnell and the award he received for a editorial…
I was dismayed by the “Retorts Illustrated” cartoon by Bryan Stalder in the 9/12 edition of Northeast News. Mr. Stalder presents “our side” and “their side” as differently sized hamburgers…
Even tho I often disagree with ole Bunny, I totally agree with her on her recent opinion, “City Services Get Kudos.” Well done! And Michael Bushnell’s long informative piece on…
In a community that so often operates on rumors, I think it is useful to have opinions based on fact. Unfortunately, such is not the case with Bunny’s opinion piece…
I can understand the quality of cartoons in a free neighborhood newspaper can clear a fairly low bar. Predictably, Mr. Stalder’s efforts seem clumsy or unclear in focus and purpose,…
I just wanted to express my deepest admiration for the Northeast News and your dedication to serving your community. I grew up in Northeast on North Oakley. Went to school…
Democracy Demands Participation. That’s why it’s important to vote in this summer’s primary election on August 7th and this fall’s general election on November 6th. There’s an ancient Chinese curse…
I don’t know about you, but I am tired of the same, “do nothing” candidates that beg for our votes during election season, but are nowhere to be found the…
I applaud the caliber of your articles and photographs and commend you for the many hours you spend covering events and meetings in order to bring residents the latest news…
On Wed., May 23, I attended (along with about 50 other individuals) the third of the City’s planned meetings to discuss the future of housing in Kansas City. I came…