Part of the job of the Independence Avenue CID Avenue Angels is to provide security and safety services to CID properties along the Independence Avenue corridor.
Recently however, Supervisor Sergeant Kenneth Sorensen went above and beyond in helping to extinguish a residential brush fire behind the Taco Express at 3616 Independence Avenue. The fire was actually in a yard behind a residence on Roberts Avenue and was spreading rapidly.
Sorensen, seeing flames and subsequent smoke column, notified his dispatcher at Titan Protection to call the Fire Department. Sorensen simultaneously grabbed a nearby garden hose from the house where the fire was located and began dousing the flames before they had a chance to spread to nearby properties and structures.
By the time Firefighters arrived, Sorensen had the fire extinguished and the grateful homeowner was counseled by responding Fire personnel on the proper safety measures on doing paper burns, controlled orotherwise.
Sergeant Sorensen was recognized by the CID and Titan Protection and the Independence Avenue CID for his quick thinking and action in preventing a larger emergency event.
Thank you Sarge!