Last week, the Historic Northeast community won the local internet singlehandedly and all it took was a stray goat wandering the forest and yards on the north side of the Kansas City Museum to make readers drop what they were doing to read the daily and hourly updates on “Billy,” the Northeast Goat.

As of press time, we still don’t know where Billy came from or who he may belong to, but one thing this animal-lovin’ NewsDog does know is that Billy was a welcome respite from the bad news that inundates the 24-hour news stream.

Over 32,000 viewers followed Billy’s escapades on social media.

We learned of Billy from Scarritt neighbors who initially saw him wandering the wooded area in Kessler Park by the Kansas City Museum.

The NewsDog learned of Billy and began creating social media posts, chronicling Billy’s exploits as he wandered from yard to yard, feasting on flower garden leftovers and wheat from the straw in one of the front lawns on Norledge.

The instant we began posting updates on Billy and his much-heralded escapes from the Animal Control officers who chased him for many days, our posts garnered serious organic traffic and engagement.

So much so, he was even given his own hashtag, #nekcgoat, by disc golf honcho Jack Lowe.

Billy didn’t stray too far from the 3200 block of Norledge for almost three weeks but last week on that cold and damp Thanksgiving Day, he went in search of greener pastures and maybe a little bit of shelter.

Billy ended up on the front porch of a residence in the 3200 block of Windsor where the homeowner quickly endeared himself to Billy.

He was given apple slices and oats until two Animal Control officers arrived on the scene and safely took Billy into protective custody, ending his roughly thirty day romp.

The Dog is thankful for a good outcome and is anxious to learn Billy’s place of origin, given the U.S. Forest Service ear tag he wears.

We’re also thankful Billy didn’t end up like the Elmwood Cemetery deer named Ella, who was shot and killed a few years back by an uncaring neighbor, ostensibly to feed his family.

Billy’s fate could have easily taken a southerly turn and this NewsDog is glad things ended up the way they did.

Billy now enjoys his own space at Kansas City Pet Project, complete with an igloo and straw bales for warmth.

We here at the House of News enjoyed our time covering the wily little goat that endeared himself to the Historic Northeast community just by being cute and craftily elusive when the uniforms showed up.

In the end, though, we think Billy was done “being on the lamb” and wanted something a little more secure than a hideout in the forested area of Kessler Park.

That said, here’s to Billy, the Northeast Goat.

Thanks for providing us a little levity and a happy escape from the day-to-day hustle and bustle.

Hope your next adventure is as cool as this one. Safe travels little buddy!