Kansas City snow crews are preparing for another winter storm expecting to arrive Wednesday evening, Feb. 16. Crews will aggressively pre-treat roads with salt throughout the day and will be prepared to start snow plowing operations Wednesday night into Thursday.
Trash and recycling collection will be suspended on Thursday and Friday so these drivers are available to plow snow. Residents with Thursday and Friday trash pickup days will be allowed to place four bags out next week. Curbside recycling is unlimited. Trash and recycling pick-up in suspended on Monday for the President’s Day holiday.

City-owned parking garages will be open free of charge from Wednesday at 3 p.m. until Friday at 3 p.m. to get vehicles off the street before the storm and for more effective snow plowing downtown. Use the QR code as you enter any participating city-owned parking garage to receive a validated parking ticket.

FREE Parking is available at the following facilities: Ed Wolf Garage 1100 Oak St. | West of City Hall JE Dunn Garage 1100 Cherry St. | Northeast of City HallAuditorium Plaza Garage 1220 Wyandotte St. | Barney Allis PlazaWest Bottoms Garage 1601 State Line Rd. | Across from Hy-Vee ArenaArts District Garage 17th Wyandotte | Kauffman CenterKC Live! Garage 151 E 13th St. | Under Power & Light

All drivers are reminded to exercise caution, especially around snowplow operators, allow extra travel time, and park off-street where possible, or on the north and west sides of neighborhood streets. Parking cars on only one side of residential streets will help plows clear your streets faster and more completely. Please avoid parking on streets where there are streetcar tracks, or along corridors with frequent transit service, if other parking options exist.
City Hall will conduct normal business virtually on Thursday, although the regular council meeting will still be open to the public.
The City will enact its extreme weather plan to protect houseless residents when the daytime high is below 32 degrees, or the overnight low is less than 20 degrees. The forecast calls for such conditions starting Thursday, Feb. 17, through Saturday, Feb. 19, at which point the overnight overflow center will be used when shelters are full. In addition, two warming buses will be in service during the day, one managed by Hope Faith and one spare KCI airport shuttle bus. The City’s ten Community Centers will also double as warming centers during business hours. Visit kcmo.gov/cold for more information.
During snowstorms, updates are posted on kcmo.gov/snow, our snow operations page, and on Twitter.
The City has strategically upgraded its snow operations plan to include: Adding 50 additional vehicles and 100 additional drivers to the snow removal operationProactive pretreatment of roads in advance of snow and ice events Instituting a more aggressive approach to snow removal on residential streets with overnight shifts and curb to curb snow removal Plowing multi-lane arterial streets with multiple trucks working in tandem to make sure the street is fully cleared on the first pass Using new technology to improve operations including turn by turn and GPS navigation of plow routes Deploying “ice ban”, a new type of blue salt that works in lower temperatures and is far less corrosive to vehicles Improving communication and coordination during snow operations 300 snow removal vehicles will be out 24 hours a day until the streets are fully cleared.