Special to Northeast News
Jan. 6, 2010

The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports four people died during the New Year’s holiday counting period from 6 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 31, to 11:59 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 3, in Missouri.

Troopers investigated 319 traffic crashes with 92 injuries and the four fatalities. In addition, troopers made 113 arrests for driving while intoxicated.

During the previous New Year’s counting period a year ago, troopers investigated 234 traffic crashes, which included 89 injuries and 11 fatalities, and made 131 driving while intoxicated arrests.

Of the four fatalities troopers investigated this year, two occurred in the Lee’s Summit area, and two occurred in the Weldon Spring area.

No fatalities occurred on New Year’s Eve or Day. One person died Saturday and three Sunday.