Northeast News
July 3, 2013

Council committee proposes tougher fines for animal abuse 

A public petition is serving as a catalyst for potentially creating stricter animal abuse penalties in Kansas City.

Following the death of an abused boxer mix dog named, “Colonel,” City Council member Jermaine Reed received a number of calls to his office and learned about the more than 2,000 signature petition calling for Kansas City to re-evaluate its animal abuse ordinances.

Reed delved into the city ordinances further and discovered a number of outdated items, including disconnected animal abuse hotlines.

Both Reed and City Council member Scott Taylor are sponsoring an ordinance to update the city charter, including doubling the maximum fine to $1,000.

The proposed amended ordinance also distinguishes between lack of adequate care and animal abuse, and sets harsher penalties for the latter. For animal abuse and animal fighting, the minimum fine is $250, but can go up to $1,000, and may also include up to 180 days of jail time. Other violations start at a $75 fine, but may also go up to $1,000 with possible jail time. The proposed ordinance also clears up the language for housing small animals and fowl.

“This is important not only to protect the welfare of animals, but I think we also have to send a message that this type of cruelty will not be tolerated and we do that with a penalty like this, not the penalties we’ve had on the books for years that are pretty low,” City Council member Scott Taylor said during the city’s June 26 Public Safety and Emergency Services Committee meeting.

“This is a real good example of how city hall works,” Reed said, “and how when individuals go and do work, their voices are heard.”

The Public Safety committee voted unanimously to pass the ordinance out of committee to be voted on by the full council at a later date.