Northeast News
Jan. 4, 2016

KANSAS CITY, Missouri — The Citizens Task Force on Violence recently appointed by Mayor Sly James will hold its first monthly meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 12.

The announcement was made by Fourth District Councilwoman and Task Force Chair Jolie Justus. The meeting will be held from 6 – 8 p.m. at the Gregg-Klice Community Center, 1600 John “Buck” O’Neil Way. In a press release announcing the meetings, Justus said the task force has done some preliminary research and internally outlined some ideas on how to organize their work.

“The first task force meeting will discuss structure and action items and explain how we intend to engage any Kansas Citian interested in the topic, ” Justus said.

Justus stressed that all citizens are invited to be part of the Task Force’s work. Persons can contact the Task Force by sending correspondence to Councilwoman Jolie Justus, City Hall, 22nd Floor, 414 E. 12th St., Kansas City, MO 64106. The public also will be able to provide input via email and the internet using an email address and an online comment form that will be established and publicized later this month.

“Our initial Task Force meetings will be procedural and informational,” Justus said. “We definitely plan to take public testimony so anyone will have the opportunity to share information, views or feelings.”

Justus has collaborated with Task Force Vice Chair Andres Dominguez, a program officer at the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City, to identify direction and scope and to initiate the work of the group. The release also notes James has added Pat Clarke, a consultant, to the Task Force.

The mission of the 17 member task force is to gather facts and data and recommend pragmatic policies and best practices about how Kansas City can prevent, address and respond to violence in all its forms, including but not limited to active shooter situations, violence-driven street crime, illegal use of weapons, domestic violence, child abuse and other violent situations.

Subsequent meetings will be held at Gregg/Klice Community Center from 6-8 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month until October 2016. The Task Force plans to complete its work and issue recommendations by November 2016.