Bridge 6,875,524 Trucks 0. Submitted Photo

Tuesday wasn’t the greatest day to be motoring on Independence Avenue, especially for the inattentive or distracted.

Submitted Photos

Yesterday morning around 10am, the infamous and also undefeated Independence Avenue Bridge put another notch in its already storied WIN column when this semi driver tried unsuccessfully to put a 13’9″ high trailed through a 12′ hole. Call it science, call it physics but this Newsdog knows it ain’t happen in.
The driver may get low points for skill, we’re gonna give him a 10 for his debris field spread quotient. Nice work Driver!

Indep Ave CID Photo

Then yesterday at around 2pm at Independence and Spruce, an inattentive motorist decided this building needed a new egress. We’re not sure who fared worse, the building or the jeep driver’s ego. Hope that text message was worth it!
No injuries reported in either incident. Stay awake out there people!