February 8, 2012
Dear Editor:

I am writing in regard to the article about Police Chief Forté (“Police Chief Forté: Relationships key to reducing crime”) that appeared in last week’s newspaper.

Once again, lip service. We’ve heard it before in Northeast.

Maj. Laura Barton did it best. Very simply, she brought more police officers to Northeast, and they were visible all the time.

It is ludicrous to idle police officers in the schoolroom after we taxpayers have educated them to be on the streets fighting crime.

Forté also said he would not want to be stopped to see if he was illegal. There are rules and regulations made up by law and society, and we are to abide by them. Yes, people should be checked because many are breaking the law. Don’t the police enforce other federal and state laws?

Maj. Weishar, please let me know when you are going to start your Victims Service Unit. I am a victim. I had a gun with a silencer on it put to my throat and then between my eyes. Of course, I called the police. They came out and took information, but after that, nothing.

I feel as if we are being held hostage.

D Marra, a Northeast resident for 54 years