The Kansas City Municipal Court and City Prosecutor’s Office are working together to host #ResolveIt, a special campaign from now through March 31 to help people with tickets cancel their warrants and pay off past due fines at a discount.

“Our ‘Resolve It’ effort will reduce the financial burden of residents and visitors with outstanding fines and violations in our municipal court system,” City Manager Brian Platt said. “By clearing out the backlog caused by the pandemic, we will also reduce the number of people who need to come to the courthouse, which will help staff and visitors stay healthy and safe.”

#ResolveIt features three parts:

The Warrant Recall Project

  • Log into a virtual Warrant Recall Walk-In docket and the judge will cancel your warrants and give you a new court date or possibly resolve cases that do not require a mandatory court hearing.
  • Warrant Recall Dockets are 9 to 10:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 1:30 to 3 p.m. on Wednesday.
  • Municipal Court has about 250,000 cases with failure to appear warrants issued before the pandemic.

Parking Fine Reduction Fridays

  • Log into a virtual Parking Fine Reduction Docket from 1:30 to 3 p.m. on Fridays and the City Prosecutor will reduce your parking fine in exchange for a plea of guilty.
  • There are currently over 100,000 unresolved parking tickets filed in Municipal Court.

20% off Past Due Fine Balance Days

  • Receive a 20% discount on fines if you pay your past due balance in full by March 31.
  • You MUST first contact Municipal Court in writing to request the discount BEFORE paying.
  • Court will contact you with your discounted fine plus court costs. Discount does not include restitution.
  • If you cannot pay your balance in full, even with the discount, you may request a payment plan or community service instead of paying a fine during #ResolveIt.
  • There are over 40,000 cases that have past due balances.

Go to and click #ResolveIt for instructions to attend the warrant recall and parking fine reduction dockets online or by phone; and to contact the court to request the 20% fine discount.

The Kansas City court is the largest Municipal Court in Missouri. It processes 280,000 cases per year and before the pandemic, was one of the City’s heaviest traveled facilities behind the airport and convention center.

More information can be found at