Northeast News
March 23, 2016

Last week, this pooch took the bused in protesters at the recent Trump rally to task for their violent and lawless actions. Since that editorial broke, the dog has been called every name in the book, including “small minded” and “racist.” Yep folks, an editorial that never once mentioned race, directly or inferred, was called racist. We did, however, note the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. and his peaceful — operative verb — protests got more done in advancing the civil rights cause than the violent rioters that took over parts of Los Angeles and Kansas City in the late 1960’s. Note to those who find the piece racist, depicting these protestors as anti-hate would be like calling Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson a Reverend. Somehow that collar just doesn’t fit. This pooch saw a whole lotta hate in that mob and it manifested itself with violence and lawbreaking.

Now the dog seems to have been vindicated once again after arrests were made of rioters, one of which slapped a police service animal in the face. The perpetrator of said slap says there are two sides to every story. Let’s ask former MU Professor Melissa Click how that’s workin’ out for her, given the whole episode was caught on tape for the world to see. Pretty straightforward in my book.

Punch a cop, go to jail. Period. Video after video has been released of protesters knowingly violating orders given by law enforcement officers on the scene to stay on the sidewalk across from the event. It should also be noted that one shrieking example of this “anti-hate” protest has known ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and the terrorist group Hamas. How’s that whole anti-hate narrative workin’ for ya now? Doesn’t seem very tolerant or understanding when you incite riots and cause physical harm, all in the name of anti-hate. But what does an old, editorial writing dog know, right?