Northeast News
November 19, 2014

So it’s come to this, has it? Brand new criminal assault allegations against the already embattled City Councilman Michael Brooks. The city’s Fifth District must just be so proud they elected this three-time loser to “represent” their interests.

This time, he’s accused of assaulting his council assistant, dragging her in to his office and choking her with his belt. Obviously the good councilman has issues related to his pants. No big surprise to this news-dog given Mr. Brooks questionable judgment that’s followed him throughout his elected career.

This news diggin’ hound says it’s time for you to go Mr. Brooks, pack your things and exit city hall. But before you do, cut a check for $15,000 to replace the money you and Oscoe Bolton stole from taxpayers a while back to bring a wife beating thug to town, supposedly to lecture area youth on how to not be a wife beating thug.

The most recent accusations against you show that abusive birds of a feather certainly flock together. It’s no wonder female staffers at 12th and Oak have some pretty serious reservations about sharing workspace with you, especially given your obvious anger management and sexual conduct issues. Sadly, however, this doggie doesn’t think you’ll do the honorable thing (there’s a contradiction in terms for ya) and resign so the people of the city’s Fifth District will be properly represented. Why the Mayor continues to run interference for the likes of you is beyond the comprehension of this pooch. Cue the recall petitions.